Services such as email, cPanel and FTP will be shut off for the next 30-60 minutes or so while we migrate accounts to the new server and transfer the DNS settings. We don't want you to lose any email in the process of the transfer, so that's why we do it this way.
This post will be updated when the process is complete.
3/10/12 1:41AM Well, that was a long 30 minutes, wasn't it? There were a few discrepancies between how cPanel is supposed to transfer user accounts, and how they actually did in this case. We were only able to transfer the accounts one at a time, due to a bug in cPanels' "transfer multiple accounts" option.
DNS has been transferred, the email queue on the old server was flushed (all mail holding during the transfer was released to it's intended recipients), and our backup DNS provider is likely earning their pay about now.
We'll be babysitting the process over the next few hours and tomorrow, to make sure everything runs smoothly.
The server SSL certificate will be reinstalled on the new server as soon as DNS is done (it's assigned to the hostname, not the IP), so if you try to access email and get a certificate warning, it's because the server is using the default self-signed one that comes with cPanel, instead of our spiffy official one.
Please be patient as we make the final adjustments and tweaks.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Server Migration In Process
Hello World Web
Email|server maintenance|